List of Active Fire Engineering Practitioners
Current Fire Engineering Practitioners registered under IFE-SL are as follows.
Corporate Members are authorized to sign and approve any Fire Detection and Protection design drawings
Membership No. | Name of the Practitioner | Related Credentials | Profession | Contact Details | IFEUK/IFESL Membership category | Membership Level |
0104 | Mr. Kolitha Sri Nissanka | FIFireE (UK), FIFE(SL), MBA(UoC), MSc(Def.) | CEO, LIFE-SEC Global (Pvt) Ltd, 2A, Siriwardana Road, Dehiwala. | kolitha.srinissanka@gmail.com 0112735511 0770212121 | Fellow | Corporate |
0105 | Mr. Jayaweera Madigasekara | FIFireE(UK), FIFE(SL), AIIRSM(UK), PGD.Mktn(SL) | Fire Consultant 33, First Cross Street, Pagoda, Nugegoda. | jmadigasekera@yahoo.com 0112821234 0771519044 | Fellow | Corporate |
0106 | Mr. Rohitha Fernando | MIFireE(UK), MIFE(SL) | Chief Fire Officer Fire Services Depart. – Colombo 605/2/A, Sudarshana Mw, Kurana, Katunayake. | pnrohitha@gmail.com 0312269774 0714786063 | Member | Corporate |
0107 | Mr. T.A Raymond | MIFireE(UK), MIFE(SL) AIIRSM(UK), Dip.NIOSH(SL) | Managing Director FRS Engineering Services 401. B, Dematagolla, Horampalla, Minuwangoda. | tissa.raymond@gmail.com 0112297104 0718333894 | Member | Corporate |
0108 | Mr. Kamal Wilson | MIFireE (UK), MIFE(SL) | Deputy Chief Fire Officer Fire Services Depart. – Colombo 6584/4, Araliya Uyana, Ruwan Mw, Maddegama, Kirindiwela. | Kamalwilson21@yahoo.com 0332269774 0718233602 | Member | Corporate |
0109 | Mr. Nalaka Liayanapeli | MIFireE(UK), MIFE(SL), Adv Dip.Ind.Eng(SL), MSc Envn. Mngt(SL), MSc OHS(SL), AIIRSM(UK) | Fire, Safety & Environment Consultant. NO 250 /8 /A , Samanala Uyana, Koskadawala ,Yakkala. | bestehs@gmail.com 033 2236255 0773955847 | Member | Corporate |
0110 | Mr. Chaminda Abeysekera | MIFireE (UK), MIFE(SL) MBA (OUSL), GCGI (UK), NDT(UoM) | Managing Director Metrix Engineering Services Pvt Ltd 5/1A, Samagi Mawatha, Depanama, Pannipitiya. | abeyfrx@gmail.com abey@metrixes.com 0711393088, 0764404990 0767393088 | Member | Corporate |
0111 | Mr. SAR Jayathilaka | GIFireE (UK), GIFE(SL), Dip.HR (MMA) | Chief Fire Officer Sri Lanka Ports Authority 10, 18th Lane, Aluth Mawatha, Colombo 15. | fire@slpa.lk 0112330815 0718113229 | Graduate | Non-Corporate |
0112 | Mr. Lal Kulasooriya | GIFireE(UK), GIFE(SL) BSc-Phy(UoK), MBA(UoK) | Acting Manager Ceylon Dockyard PLC C2, 1/34, Mawbray Lane, Modara, Colombo 15. | kulasooriya@cdl.lk 0112529244 0772533822 | Graduate | Non-Corporate |
0113 | Mr. Sellathamby Nadarajah | GIFireE(UK), GIFE(SL) | Deputy Chief Fire Officer Sri Lanka Ports Authority 524/9//1/1, Bloumendhal Road, Colombo15 | nadaasel@gmail.com 0112482674 0714496858 | Graduate | Non-Corporate |
0114 | Mr. Ranga Perera | GIFireE(UK), GIFE(SL) NDT-Civil(UoM) | Site Engineer Fairway Holding PLC No.363D, Nandana Mw, Hunupitiya, Wattala. | dushan123@yahoo.com 0112931810 0777812205 | Graduate | Non-Corporate |
0115 | Mr. Prasad Perera | GIFireE(UK), GIFE(SL) Dip.(NIOSH), Dip.Distr Mngt(UoK) | Industrial Safety Officer Sri Lanka Ports Authority 715, St.Benedict Rd, Wennappuwa. | pererawpps@gmail.com 0312254320 0715166641 | Graduate | Non-Corporate |
0116 | Mr. Wimal Kularatne | GIFireE(UK), GIFE(SL), Dip.Fire Prevention (Japan) | Divisional Fire Officer (Prevention) Fire Services Depart. – Colombo 8/9, Akuressa Road, Nupe, Matara. | wimalkularatna@gmail.com 0112683370 0714717459 | Graduate | Non-Corporate |
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